Priesthood Quorums' Table -- April 1910

Origin of Man. — "In just what manner did the mortal bodies of Adam and Eve come into existence on this earth?" This question comes from several High Priests' quorums.

Of course, all are familiar with the statements in Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:7; also in the Book of Moses, Pearl of Great Price, 2:27; and in the Book of Abraham 5:7. The latter statement reads: "And the Gods formed man from the dust of the ground, and took his spirit (that is, the man's spirit) and put it into him; and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul."

These are the authentic statements of the scriptures, ancient and modern, and it is best to rest with these, until the Lord shall see fit to give more light on the subject. Whether the mortal bodies of man evolved in natural processes to present perfection, through the direction and power of God; whether the first parents of our generations, Adam and Eve, were transplanted from another sphere, with immortal tabernacles, which became corrupted through sin and the partaking of natural foods, in the process of time; whether they were born here in mortality, as other mortals have been, are questions not fully answered in the revealed word of God. For helpful discussion of the subject, see Improvement Era, Vol. XI, August 1908, No. 10, page 778, article, "Creation and Growth of Adam;" also article by the First Presidency, "Origin of Man," Vol. XIII, No. 1, page 75, 1909.

The Holy Sacrament. — "Is it, or is it not, proper for an elder passing the sacrament, to refuse to give it to one he knows to be unworthy of partaking of it?"

It is the duty of the bishop solely to sit in judgment in such a case. By the authority vested in the bishop, as a high priest, the sacrament is administered. It is in his charge; and if there are members in the congregation who are unworthy of the sacrament, it is the duty of the bishop, and no one else, to sit in judgment in such a case. Therefore it is not proper for an elder to refuse any person the sacrament, unless he has previously been instructed to do so by the bishop of the ward. But, if the elders who administer the sacrament know of persons in the congregation who are unworthy to partake of it, it is their duty to so report to the bishop, and await the bishop's instruction (read III Nephi 18:28-30).

Active High Priests. — President Nathaniel V. Jones, of the High Priests' Quorum of the Granite Stake of Zion, has carefully compiled a report received from the high priests in charge of the nineteen wards of that stake, from which it appears that there are 336 high priests in the Granite Stake of Zion, 30 of whom are stake officers and 57 bishops and counselors; there are 111 engaged in Sunday school, Mutual Improvement and other Church work, outside of the bishoprics; 88 who are 70 years of age and upwards, and there are 9 patriarchs in the stake. Of infirm, and such as are unable to do much work, there are 19; and 57 out of the total number are not at all employed in priesthood or Church duties. It appears, also, from this report, that there are 181 high priests in the stake who attend the weekly priesthood meetings.

To the Seventies' Quorums: — The First Council is advised that the Deseret News Book Store is getting out a second edition of Elder N. L. Nelson's Preaching and Public Speaking; also that the book, after having been thoroughly revised by the author, has been read critically by a committee suggested by the First Presidency, and been duly accepted as worthy the study of all who expect to take part in the ministry of the Latter-day Saints.

Now, while the first requisite of a Latter-day Saint preacher is a testimony of the gospel, and the second, a wide range of facts and truths to sustain that testimony, these prime qualifications become effective only to the extent that he can envoke and hold the attention of his audience. In other words, his effectiveness will depend, to a very large extent, upon his method of presentation. In this respect, Elder Nelson's book will be found helpful. We, therefore, cordially recommend it to the seventies generally, and especially to those preparing for missions.

Sunny Natures. — To be a successful governor, and an attractive teacher of young men, one must have not only firmness, a keen sense of right, and love for the members of the class, but also a sunny disposition. Who can estimate the value of a nature so sunny that it attracts everybody! Everybody wants to get near sunny people; everybody likes to know them. They open, without effort, doors which morose natures are obliged to pry open with great difficulty, or perhaps cannot open at all. Teachers of deacons quorums should be sought who have these qualifications. To find them is a great work for the bishops. When found they will solve to a great extent the grave question of order, or disorder, now so uppermost in many of the quorums.