Deseret News Archives

Document no. 733 of 1760
Saturday, July 31, 2004
LDS Church News

Edition: All
Page: Z05

First Presidency letter

    The following letter was sent by the First Presidency to priesthood leaders in the United States with instruction that it be read in sacrament meeting:

    July 21, 2004
   Dear Brethren and Sisters:

   In this election year, we urge Church members to register to vote, to study the issues and candidates carefully and prayerfully, and then vote for those they believe will most nearly carry out their ideas of good government. Latter-day Saints are under special obligations to seek out and then uphold leaders who will act with integrity and are "wise," "good," and "honest," (see Doctrine and Covenants 98:10).
   While affirming its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues, the Church reaffirms its long-standing policy of neutrality regarding political parties, political platforms, and candidates for political office. Church facilities, directories, and mailing lists are not to be used for political purposes.
   Candidates for public office should not imply that their candidacy is endorsed by the Church or its leaders, and Church members should avoid statements or conduct that may be interpreted as Church endorsement of any political party, political platform, or candidate. In addition, members who hold public office should not give the impression they represent the Church as they work for solutions to social problems.

   Sincerely yours,

   The First Presidency

Words: 232
Section: Church News